The New Year is upon us and the media landscape is filled with what-just-happened year-in-review stories. We’re a little more used to the World of Trump but there is still a feeling of shock and awe in the air, particularly after the Republican tax bill passed.
Read MoreChristmas Made Permanent for Billionaires
Republicans in Congress just jammed through their $1.5 trillion tax cut giveaway bill. President Trump is gleeful and we all get growing inequality for Christmas, hooray! The tax bill basically makes Christmas permanent for billionaires while phasing it out for lower and middle income Americans.
Read MoreTrump Ends the War on Christmas!
It is the high season for fighting back against the “War on Christmas,” a war that doesn’t seem to actually exist. President Trump is determined to oppose said imaginary war with a full-throated defense of Christianity and all things Christmas.
Read MoreTeddy’s Back
Teddy Roosevelt is back, learning what has become of his Republican Party. When President Trump hacked down the size of two national monuments and has his eyes on others, Roosevelt must have spun in his grave. Actually, he was probably already spinning in there when the GOP jammed the huge tax cut windfall-for-billionaires through the Senate.
Read MoreThe Battle of Doughnuts
Poor Wall Street folks, they have it so tough that the President of the United States and Mick Mulvaney have to come to their rescue. Never mind that the “devastated” financial sector raked in a record $159 billion in profits last year and stock prices keep climbing.
Read MoreHappy Trumpsgiving!
A Happy Thanksgiving to all from President Trump and Attorney General — for now — Jeff Sessions. It’s hard to believe we’ve been through less than one year of the Trump presidency. Right about now last year we were all (okay, maybe not “all”) eagerly anticipating Trump becoming “presidential.”
Read MoreThe Tax Reform Plan of Wonder
Lawmakers are set to jam a version of the huge tax bill through the House on Thursday but the Senate version may be in trouble. These bills are expertly designed to increase income inequality and kill Obamacare to boot. Slightly-more-sane Republicans in the Senate may be a substantial roadblock to this $1.5 trillion tax cut mess.
Read MoreStealing is Legal
If you liked the Panama Papers, you’ll love the Paradise Papers! If you want to hide your millions from taxation, just find a willing offshore haven to make your megabucks disappear into a maze of shell corporations. It’s your money, after all, let the little people worry about building their silly public roads and funding their icky health care! (But we better shove a gigantic corporate tax through the U.S. Congress, just in case an offshore tax rate of, say, zero, is too high.)
Read MoreLaw & Oranger
Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is circling closer to the Oval Office. Actually, it’s been circling that part of the White House for a while since everyone close to President Trump seems to have been meeting with someone from Russia throughout the campaign. As the investigation progresses, we will see Trump throw more people under the bus.
Read MorePresidential Condolence Line
Now that everyone may finally be coming to terms with the fact that President Trump is a crazy man who will never become “presidential,” the Narcissist-in-Chief is trotting out his Gold Star Family chief of staff to come to his rescue. Poor General Kelly had to dredge up his fallen son to defend his reckless boss.
Read MoreTrumptasia
When President Trump isn’t tormenting the families of fallen soldiers, he’s hard at work trying to give rich people a fat tax cut. In fairness, he isn’t the only one trying to give a big handout to wealthy people. The top priority of Republicans in Congress is cutting taxes. The more you look at the tax “reform” plan, the more ridiculous it appears.
Read MoreKill-A-Kid for Congress
While the nation has been busy paying attention to everything from our president mocking a senator’s height to a horrific mass shooting, congressional Republicans quietly let funding for health coverage for 9 million children slip away. In defense of lawmakers in Congress, they actually weren’t focusing on Trump’s tweets and shootings, they were focusing on repealing Obamacare.
Read MoreAs Time Goes By
Another day, another gun violence milestone. The horrific Las Vegas mass shooting is the deadliest gun massacre in modern U.S. history. Sadly, in many ways, it’s just another day if you look at the gun massacre calendar. In a country where a disturbed person can stockpile 40-plus weapons and convert some to fire automatically, something is seriously wrong.
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Once again, satire is just inches ahead of reality. When the President of the United States calls for people who don’t stand for the national anthem to be fired and speaks wistfully of more violence in sports, you know we’ve gone farther into Kookyland.