If you thought the House Select Committee on Benghazi was the end of the Hillary investigations, guess again. Picture what will happen when you combine the partisanship and drive of Congressional Republicans with the scattershot, conspiratorial insanity of Donald Trump. The Donald just loves to ask questions and leave them hanging out there as delicious bait for a broad constituency.
Grrl Power
Hillary Clinton finally clinched the nomination, and Little Suzie Newsykins is back to tell you all about it. Those “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” aren’t quite 18 million this go round but she did it after a long slog. (Hillary won the nomination with about three million fewer votes than she had when she lost the nomination in 2008.)
Read MoreTrump News Tonight!
Now that Donald Trump has unloaded on the media yet again, maybe we should all just stop giving him so much attention. Must. Stop. Can’t. Stop. Can’t. Look. Away. Methinks Trump would hate the press even more if we stopped covering him.