The firehose of news is still gushing. Let’s take a quick look at some of the major stories just in the past few days. Repeal and replace fails, shady meetings at the White House compound, a derailed House Intelligence Committee investigation, more awfulness in Iraq, environmental destruction and . . . the beginnings of another round of Repeal & Replace. (It’s never over ’til it’s over.)
Read MoreHouse Committee on Leakers
Five major news stories per day is apparently now the norm. Just over the last few hours, more news has broken related to this cartoon and the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the Trump administration/Russia connection. Most recently, Rep. Adam Schiff has said there is now “more than circumstantial” evidence that the Trump crew colluded with the Russians.
Read MoreMinistry of Trump Facts & Information
Everything is coming up Russia these days. Besides the hacking, influence and other shadiness, there is a distinctly Soviet propaganda tone to the Trump Administration. (Don’t worry, I’m not beating the war drums for a fight with Russia, just making an observation or three.)
Read MoreObamacare Lite
This has been a head-exploding week so far, and it’s only Wednesday night as I write this. Take your pick, from Donald Trump accusing Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly talking seriously about separating children from their mothers if they cross the border illegally. Or maybe we should talk about the revised “travel ban” of 6 Muslim nations, or maybe the “repeal & replace” of the Affordable Care Act? Head exploding . . .
Read MoreUnpresidented Trump
Well, it’s another busy week for Donald Trump. Now that the Jeff Sessions lying-about-the-Russians story is out, the president will surely go on the attack and deflect attention with some other tweetstorm or celebrity pissing match. But for a brief instant, he was seen as “presidential.”
Read MoreSweden Attacks!
Of course you’ve heard about President Trump’s rally in Florida where he mentioned, “last night in Sweden,” as a way to bolster support for his anti-immigrant stance. Must’ve been an underreported terror attack, right? Or at least some immigrant violence? Turns out nothing had happened and Trump is just an old man who repeats whatever he sees on Fox News.
Read MoreQVC-ocracy
Russophile Michael Flynn is out and all eyes are on Russian influence in the White House. The Trump Administration has not yet established a kleptocracy, but they’re well on their way to establishing a QVC-ocracy. Whether it’s Donald Trump urging people to buy L.L. Bean products (since a member of the Bean family gave Trump a generous campaign contribution) or Kellyanne Conway’s now-infamous sales pitch for the Ivanka Trump brand, these people are in a selling mood.
Read MoreSo-called Executive Orders
President Trump’s “so-called” judges may very well turn his executive orders into “so-called executive orders.” It is astounding that while awaiting the decision of the Ninth Circuit court, Donald Trump would tear into the very judges deciding the case. Trump is becoming more pathological with each passing day.
Read MoreSteve Bannon’s Soul
Now that Steve Bannon made it from right-wing ranter to a notch or two above the Joint Chiefs of Staff, maybe we should take a closer look at him. A boring bureaucrat he ain’t. A scary power-hungry nut, he is.
Read MoreAlternative Reality
The reason Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts” line brought so much attention is because it gave a name to what the Trump Administration is trying to do— whatever they want at whatever the cost. “Truthiness” is out, “alternative facts” are in.
Read MoreTrump Has A Dream, Too
If you haven’t picked up your free inauguration tickets yet, there’s still time! To get you in the mood, this cartoon is a little preview of what we can expect. How many times will Donald Trump say “great” and “incredible” in his speech? (Use caution if you plan on playing an inauguration speech drinking game.)
Read MoreThe Obama Farewell Addendum
From drone strikes against Americans overseas to broad surveillance powers to indefinite detention, Obama certainly kept his options open, which means he kept President Trump’s options open.
Read MoreDe-Obamafication
While everyone has been focusing on President-elect Trump’s tweets, Republicans in Congress are beginning to implement their extremist vision. Sure, an upstart group of House Republicans backed down on gutting the ethics office, but there is plenty more to come.
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