Russophile Michael Flynn is out and all eyes are on Russian influence in the White House. The Trump Administration has not yet established a kleptocracy, but they’re well on their way to establishing a QVC-ocracy. Whether it’s Donald Trump urging people to buy L.L. Bean products (since a member of the Bean family gave Trump a generous campaign contribution) or Kellyanne Conway’s now-infamous sales pitch for the Ivanka Trump brand, these people are in a selling mood.
Some of their product pitches are a tad more subtle but are far more profitable than hawking handbags and ugly women’s shoes. Let’s not forget “Friend of Russia” Rex Tillerson, who circled the globe in the name of Exxon, and now ostensibly will do the same for the United States.
Trump, Pence and crew are shocked, shocked I say, that Michael Flynn would lie about contacts with Russia. This story is just beginning, expect more revelations to be rolled out in the coming days and weeks. Enjoy the cartoon and be sure to check out my work on Patreon!