With major terrorist attacks coming in rapid succession lately, it’s time to take a closer look at what causes a particular attack to get extensive media coverage. Some people complained that the recent attack in Istanbul didn’t get nearly the coverage of the Brussels attack, just like they complained when ruthless attacks in Nigeria didn’t get the coverage of the Paris attacks.
Read MoreThank You. Love, ISIS
If we carry out police crackdowns just because people are Muslim and ratchet up the torturing in response to ISIS attacks, the terrorists have won. I know it sounds dramatic, but it’s true. These religious nutballs want nothing more than for the West to pour gasoline on the fire and drive more recruits to their apocalyptic mission.
Read MoreTrump’s Good Ol’ Days
Now that Trump has won Florida and is continuing his march to the GOP nomination (barring a Kasich or Cruz miracle), let’s review The Donald’s violent statements from his recent campaign rallies. Trump is again telling us we shouldn’t believe our own lying eyes and ears. He has been playing with some very dangerous fire and continues to tap dance around the truth.
Read More20/20 Foresight for Republicans
Well, I guess the Republicans are done saying that Trump is just a novelty who will fade once the voting starts. Many candidates tolerated Donald Trump and tried to “rise above” his awful statements by pretending he wasn’t a serious threat. Remember when Ted Cruz called Trump “terrific” and said, “I think he speaks the truth?” Cruz isn’t saying that anymore.
Read MoreI’m an iPhone, I’m the Government
At first glance it seems pretty ridiculous that Apple isn’t helping the FBI break into a phone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino shooters. It seems like such a clear cut case. Yes, Syed Farook was one of the shooters who claimed allegiance to ISIS, he’s not even alive to have his civil liberties violated and the phone wasn’t even owned by him, it belongs to the County of San Bernardino.
Read MoreThe Millennial Squad
I just couldn’t resist going after Hillary Clinton’s feminist attack crew, who may have cost her some votes in the New Hampshire primary. The comments by Madeleine Albright, Gloria Steinem and Bill Clinton are notable for their tone-deafness. I’m sure they all mean well, but I don’t think they’re doing candidate Clinton any favors with their feminist critiques.
Read MoreCorn Candidates
Now that a couple of the tinier states in the Union are trying their best to decide the next leader of the free world, let’s take a look at what just happened in Iowa. It looks like God was really in Ted Cruz’s corner and helped him win the caucuses, but a few dirty tricks may have helped as well. (Say what you will about Donald Trump and his motivation, at least he is using his crazed reality show electoral soap box to draw some attention to the Cruz campaign’s shady tactics.)
Read MoreFDR-Palin Endorses Trump
Now that Donald Trump has declared he’ll skip Thursday's debate because he hates Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, he’s planning a big special Trump event that will compete for debate airtime. My guess is he’s going to double-down on the Sarah Palin endorsement.
Read MoreAusterity Man
Now that Michigan governor, Rick Snyder, is getting credit for saying he’s really super-dooper sorry about poisoning thousands of children in Flint with lead, let’s not forget how he did it. In his zeal to be a fiscally conservative budget turnaround artist, Snyder and his crew played fast and loose with science, safety and even democracy.
Read MoreObama Control
When President Obama announced a few limited gun control measures he was enacting using an executive order, it didn’t take long for the Republican presidential candidates to warn of jackbooted Obama thugs at our doorstep. (Not to mention the silly little Obama tear conspiracy theory.) Long story short, the president can’t do all that much unilaterally when it comes to gun control.
Read MoreUnited States of Militiadom
Hoo boy, where to begin with this one? Hypocrisy always makes for good cartoon material but the militia “takeover” in Burns, Oregon is like peeling the proverbial onion of hypocrisy. (Is that a thing? It is now.) Should we begin on the Bundy side or on the Hammond side?
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