Now that Trump has won Florida and is continuing his march to the GOP nomination (barring a Kasich or Cruz miracle), let’s review The Donald’s violent statements from his recent campaign rallies. Trump is again telling us we shouldn’t believe our own lying eyes and ears. He has been playing with some very dangerous fire and continues to tap dance around the truth.
Oftentimes, when I use actual audio from a politician in an animation, it loses some punch because people tend to sound more reasonable when you hear their actual words. That is not the case with Trump’s statements longing for the “good ol’ days” of campaign violence and violence against protestors. The more I listened to his words, the more awful and disturbing his statements became.
I’m not saying he’s Hitler or anything, but there is definitely something chilling about his cadence, his toying with demagoguery and longing for the days when we could sic the dogs on protestors and be done with these unseemly interruptions. This used to be funny but is now getting a little too close for comfort. (Although tactically, this may be the best thing for a more reasonable alternative because people in the United States would never vote for this guy for real, right? Right?) Enjoy the cartoon, and please visit me on Patreon for backstage goodies and the warm feeling that comes with supporting political animation!