It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump’s misinformation campaign doesn’t stop with North Korea. When Trump said, “we’re sending an armada,” it turns out the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson and it’s strike group were heading in the opposite direction of the Korean Peninsula, a few thousand miles to the south.
This clever misinformation campaign (or possible communications screw-up) has also been deployed by the Trump White House in a number of other areas. Ethics, for one. On the very day that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were wining and dining Xi Jinping and other Chinese dignitaries, Ivanka got the trademark go-ahead to peddle her wares in China.
For a coal-mine-loving “populist,” Trump has the wealthiest billionaire-filled administration in the history of the United States. Wall Street bankers and hedge fund managers are helping run the show because, you know, populism. Who would’ve thought this guy isn’t really a populist. Keep your eyes peeled for more navigational misdirection and follow my work behind-the-scenes over here on Patreon.