Now that Donald Trump has declared he’ll skip Thursday's debate because he hates Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, he’s planning a big special Trump event that will compete for debate airtime. My guess is he’s going to double-down on the Sarah Palin endorsement.
Only a true leader and battle-tested president and statesman like Franklin Delano Roosevelt could possibly make Sarah Palin’s words sound remotely coherent. I know it’s sacrilege to have FDR endorse Trump, but I just couldn’t resist having him deliver Palin’s garbled stream of consciousness. (Plus, probably pre-channeling Trump, FDR at one time he had a thing for internment camps, remember?)
This race is bound to get weirder so why not bring in FDR, just like Trump did recently? Let’s see if The Donald continues to call Iowa voters “stupid” this close to the caucus. Enjoy the cartoon and prep your supplies for the Final Days as the clown car speeds to the primaries!