After the untimely death of Antonin Scalia, it quickly became apparent that President Obama was about to break the noble American tradition of not nominating a new Supreme Court justice in an election year. Oh, wait a minute, there is no such traditionand it’s been done about, oh, eight times. Welcome to an election year that just got a major dose of crazy-politics steroids. Scalia’s body was hardly cold and people were already going nuts and fabricating bogus “rules” out of thin air.
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Now that a couple of the tinier states in the Union are trying their best to decide the next leader of the free world, let’s take a look at what just happened in Iowa. It looks like God was really in Ted Cruz’s corner and helped him win the caucuses, but a few dirty tricks may have helped as well. (Say what you will about Donald Trump and his motivation, at least he is using his crazed reality show electoral soap box to draw some attention to the Cruz campaign’s shady tactics.)
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Now that Donald Trump has declared he’ll skip Thursday's debate because he hates Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, he’s planning a big special Trump event that will compete for debate airtime. My guess is he’s going to double-down on the Sarah Palin endorsement.
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